5. chat (socketset, OOP)
import std.socket : InternetAddress, Socket, TcpSocket, SocketOptionLevel, SocketOption, Address, SocketSet; import std.stdio : writefln; import std.algorithm : remove, startsWith; import std.string : strip; import std.format : format; import std.conv : to; enum MAX_CONNECTIONS = 40; enum PORT = 4444; struct Client { Socket sock; Address addr; string name; ubyte[256] buf; this(Socket sock) @safe { this.sock = sock; addr = sock.remoteAddress; } // bool: is the client still alive? bool receive(size_t id, ChatServer server) @safe { ptrdiff_t got = sock.receive(buf[]); if (got <= 0) return false; if (name != "") { // named clients can speak server.broadcast(id, format!"<%s> %s"(name, cast(char[])(buf[0 .. got]))); } else if (buf[0 .. got].startsWith("/nick ")) { static const prefix = "/nick ".length; name = strip(cast(char[])(buf[prefix .. got])).idup; writefln!"Connection %s is now known as %s."(addr, name); server.broadcast(-1, format!"* %s has joined.\n"(name)); } else { sock.send("* Identify yourself with /nick yourname\n"); } return true; } void send(string msg) @safe { if (name != "") // named clients can hear sock.send(msg); } } class ChatServer { private: TcpSocket listener; Client[] clients; SocketSet sockets; public: this(short port) @safe { listener = new TcpSocket; sockets = new SocketSet(MAX_CONNECTIONS + 1); listener.blocking = true; listener.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.REUSEADDR, 1); listener.bind(new InternetAddress(port)); listener.listen(10); writefln!"Listening on %d."(port); } void broadcast(ptrdiff_t except, string msg) @safe { foreach (i; 0 .. clients.length) { if (i != except) clients[i].send(msg); } } void select() @safe { sockets.reset; sockets.add(listener); foreach (client; clients) sockets.add(client.sock); Socket.select(sockets, null, null); for (size_t i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) { if (!sockets.isSet(clients[i].sock)) continue; if (!clients[i].receive(i, this)) { writefln!"Lost connection from %s."(clients[i].addr); clients[i].sock.close; clients = clients.remove(i); i--; // restart loop at same i } } if (sockets.isSet(listener)) { Socket client = listener.accept; if (clients.length < MAX_CONNECTIONS) { writefln!"Received connection from %s."(client.remoteAddress); clients ~= Client(client); } else { writefln!"Rejected connection from %s; too many connections (%d)."(client.remoteAddress, clients.length); client.close; } } } } void main() @safe { scope server = new ChatServer(PORT); while (true) server.select; }
This server is very similar to brutish chat, but client structs keep track of their name and handle their own I/O, only broadcasting when named.
Server interaction
Listening on 4444. Received connection from Connection is now known as bob. Received connection from Connection is now known as alice. Lost connection from Lost connection from
Client interaction(s)
/nick bob * bob has joined. * alice has joined. hello? <alice> hi ^C
hi * Identify yourself with /nick yourname /nick alice * alice has joined. <bob> hello? hi ^C