8. chat echo (clear-then-TLS)

import std.socket : InternetAddress, Socket, TcpSocket, SocketOptionLevel, SocketOption;
import std.exception : enforce, ifThrown;
import std.stdio : writefln, writeln, stderr;
import std.string : toStringz, fromStringz, representation;
import std.format : format;
import deimos.openssl.ssl;
import deimos.openssl.err : ERR_print_errors_fp;
static import cio = core.stdc.stdio;
import hostname : hostnamez;
import sslclient : SSLClient;

void main() {
    ssl_ctx_st* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_server_method);
    enforce(ctx, "SSL_CTX_new() failed");
    scope (exit)

    if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, "ssl.crt", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)
            || !SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, "ssl.key", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) {
        enforce(false, "SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file() failed");

    enum port = 4444;
    scope listener = new TcpSocket;
    listener.blocking = true;
    listener.setOption(SocketOptionLevel.SOCKET, SocketOption.REUSEADDR, 1);
    listener.bind(new InternetAddress(port));
    writefln!"Listening on %d."(port);
    ubyte[1024] buf;
    ptrdiff_t len;

    while (true) {
        auto client = SSLClient(listener.accept);
        writefln!"Received connection from %s."(client.sock.remoteAddress.toString);

        while (0 < (len = client.recv(buf[]))) {
            if (buf[0 .. len] == "STARTTLS\n") {
                if (!client.accept(ctx).ifThrown(0)) {
                    writeln("Failed to secure socket.");
                client.send(format!"SSL/TLS using %s\n"(SSL_get_cipher(client.ssl)
            } else {
                client.send(buf[0 .. len]);


import std.socket : Socket;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.string : toStringz, fromStringz, representation;
import deimos.openssl.ssl : ssl_st, ssl_ctx_st, SSL_new, SSL_set_tlsext_host_name,
    SSL_set_fd, SSL_accept, SSL_connect, SSL_read, SSL_write, SSL_shutdown, SSL_free;
import hostname : hostnamez;

struct SSLClient {
    Socket sock;
    ssl_st* ssl;

    int recv(ubyte[] buf) @trusted {
        assert(buf.ptr !is null);
        assert(buf.length < int.max);
        if (ssl)
            return SSL_read(ssl, cast(void*) buf.ptr, cast(int) buf.length);
            return cast(int) sock.receive(buf);

    int send(const ubyte[] buf) @trusted {
        assert(buf.ptr !is null);
        assert(buf.length < int.max);
        if (ssl)
            return SSL_write(ssl, cast(void*) buf.ptr, cast(int) buf.length);
            return cast(int) sock.send(buf);

    private void ssl_prelude(ssl_ctx_st* ctx) {
        assert(ssl is null);
        enforce(ssl = SSL_new(ctx), "SSL_new() failed");
        enforce(SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, cast(char*) hostnamez),
                "SSL_set_tlsext_host_name failed");
        enforce(SSL_set_fd(ssl, sock.handle), "SSL_set_fd() failed");

    bool accept(ssl_ctx_st* ctx) {
        enforce(SSL_accept(ssl) == 1, "SSL_accept() failed");
        return true;

    bool connect(ssl_ctx_st* ctx) {
        enforce(SSL_connect(ssl) == 1, "SSL_connect() failed");
        return true;

    ~this() {
        if (ssl) {

This server is the first to require a proper dub setup, with multiple configurations to reuse an sslclient.d library that wraps std.socket.Socket with an SSL state, which has I/O functions that either use raw socket I/O or SSL I/O depending on the SSL state. You should check out the dub directory with fossil:

$ fossil clone https://d.minimaltype.com/
(a bunch of fossil output)
$ cd d/net/8
$ make ssl.pem
(a bunch of openssl output)
$ dub build --config=server
Performing "debug" build using /usr/bin/dmd for x86_64.
net8 ~master: building configuration "server"...
$ dub build --config=client
Performing "debug" build using /usr/bin/dmd for x86_64.
net8 ~master: building configuration "client"...

Server interaction

Listening on 4444.

Received connection from

Client interaction

this is cleartext
this is cleartext
subject: /C=AU/ST=Some-State/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
issuer: /C=AU/ST=Some-State/O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd
Accepting self-signed certificate.
SSL/TLS using TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
^^ three lines from the client, then the last line from the server
^^ three lines from the client, then the last line from the server
this is ciphertext
this is ciphertext
The 'STARTTLS' line is input to the client that causes it and the server to negotiate an encrypted connection.

strace of the client's "hi" exchange

strace: Process 178463 attached
read(0, "hi\n", 1024)                   = 3
write(3, "\27\3\3\0\24\377x\325/\315\31f\3615\240!\23\230cv\365\240\232\3161", 25) = 25
read(3, "\27\3\3\0\24", 5)              = 5
read(3, "^\261U\v\247\354\24\231\327~\302\210\\\322u\251-\300\337=", 20) = 20
write(1, "hi\n", 3)                     = 3
read(0, ^Cstrace: Process 178463 detached
showing cleartext to the terminal, and encrypted communications over the socket.